El valor de un caso depende de varios factores. Generalmente, en casos en los cuales la lesión fue seria y la responsabilidad civil del defendido es aparente, es probable que el acuerdo sea alto. Los casos de accidentes son fuertemente controlados por la cobertura que tiene la compañía de seguro. Si fuiste lesionado en un accidente y la parte responsable no tiene seguro, no va a valer la pena el esfuerzo de una demanda en l...
The value of a case depends on many factors. Generally, in cases where the injury was serious and the defendant’s fault is apparent, the settlement is likely to be higher. Accident cases are heavily driven by insurance coverage. If you’re injured in an accident and the party who is responsible does not have insurance, a lawsuit may not be worth the effort. A company could close shop and re-appear under a new name. It may s...
Workers’ Comp May Pay Part of Lost Wages If you live in Texas and are hurt on the job, you may wonder: Does workers’ comp pay for lost wages? As an injured worker, you not only have to endure the pain of your injuries and focus your attention on recovery. You may also be worried about a sudden loss of income — money you need to pay your bills, feed your family, and cover your suddenly increased medical expenses, at a ti...
When you’re injured in a car accident, you face many challenges. You’ll be forced to deal with medical bills, missed time at work, vehicle repairs or replacement, and several other financial obstacles. But what about the intense physical and emotional pain and suffering you’re living with? Can you sue for pain and suffering after a car accident? Absolutely. You can and should factor in all the “non-economic” da...
Todos tenemos un teléfono inteligente y al parecer no podemos ir caminando por la calle sin tener la cabeza metida en el celular, texteando y comunicándonos en las redes sociales. Eso también aplica a los conductores. ¿Con qué frecuencia le ha tocado ver que el conductor del automóvil de junto va texteando? ¿Sabía que un conductor texteando es tan peligroso como un conductor ebrio? Los celulares han revolucionado nu...

