Los tractocamiones, semitráilers, camiones articulados o sencillamente tráilers –como quiera llamarlos– están en todas las carreteras y alguno puede venir circulando en el carril de junto, acercándose imponentemente sobre usted y su familia… Los tráilers transportan carga por todas partes del país y dado que comparten nuestras carreteras, son un riesgo para todo mundo. Un tráiler puede pesar hasta 80,000 lbs., por...
Everyone has a smartphone, and we can’t walk down the street without having our heads buried in our cellular device, sending texts, and communicating on social media. That applies to drivers. How often have you looked at the car next to you and seen a driver texting? Did you know that a texting driver is as dangerous as a drunk driver? Cell phones have revolutionized our world. They have changed the way we do business and...
Big rigs, 18-wheelers, semis, tractor-trailers – whatever you call them, they are on every road, and one might be in the next lane, looming over you and your family. Big trucks transport cargo across the country, and because they share our roads, they are a risk to all of us. A big rig can weigh up to 80,000 lbs., so when one jackknifes out of control, the result is often massive damage. Traffic can pile up for hours. Many o...
Entre más rápido se haga un trabajo, más dinero gana el empleador y a más riesgos se exponen los trabajadores. Lamentablemente el tiempo es el enemigo de las ganancias y algunas compañías sacrifican la seguridad de sus trabajadores para realizar el trabajo rápidamente. El trabajar de manera segura requiere que se sigan las reglas de seguridad, usar equipo de seguridad, un lugar de trabajo seguro y un adecuado entrena...
The faster the job gets done, the more money your employer makes, but the more. Sadly, time is the enemy of profit, and some companies sacrifice safety to get jobs done quickly. Safe work requires following safety rules, using safety equipment, a safe worksite, and proper training. Without safety, workers are injured, and many times, they are killed. What is workplace safety? Workplace safety sounds simple, and it oft...

