Texas sets time limits for bringing a lawsuit for a work injury that depend on the individual situation and whether the injury is covered under workers’ compensation. If you or a loved one has been injured or someone has died from an accident at work, you may be entitled to receive compensation through workers’ compensation or a lawsuit for personal injury or wrongful death. Work injuries and illnesses can result in tre...
Pedestrians who are hurt at a construction site may receive compensation for their injuries through a personal injury lawsuit. Construction sites are inherently dangerous, but construction firm owners and managers have a duty to keep their construction zones safe for not only their workers but also pedestrians and people who may be in the surrounding area. According to the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administra...
You can increase your chances of getting workers’ compensation benefits if you notify your employee immediately, seek proper medical care, record everything that happened, and consult with an attorney to make sure everything is filed correctly. Workers' compensation is an insurance program regulated by the state of Texas that pays medical bills and replaces some lost wages for employees who are injured at work or contract...
How Do I Report an Accident at Work? How you report an accident at work depends on whether your employer has workers’ compensation insurance. Texas doesn't require all employers to carry workers' comp insurance – they are allowed to decide whether or not to participate in the Texas workers' compensation system or carry any insurance at all. Therefore, if you have been injured in a work-related accident, the first thing...
Can I Sue For Wrongful Death in a Construction Site Fall? The unexpected death of a loved one due to a construction accident sends shock waves through a family. It leaves a void in love and companionship, and often puts families in dire financial straits. This stressful situation prompts the question, “can I sue for a wrongful death in a construction site fall?” Although these tragic deaths are often called “accidents,...

