It’s a myth that you can’t sue your employer for negligence If you were injured at work, you might be surprised to find out that you can sue the employer for negligence. Many employers will tell you that you cannot open up a lawsuit against them. To the contrary, employers are not allowed to be negligent. If you’ve been injured and your employer was negligent by failing to train, failing to provide the correct or work...
An unfortunate reality of a workers' job-related injury claims is that certain companies and their managers refuse to cooperate with the claims process. They may make active attempts to circumvent bona fide claims. Though many companies gladly provide insurance coverage for injured employees, there are others that purchase the insurance to have more control over the management of injury claims and to increase the financial gai...
I had an accident at work some time ago, how much time do I have to make a claim? In Texas, the general rule is two (2) years from the date of the injury. Many workers who suffer injuries on the job find themselves needing to file a work injury claim at a date much later than when the injury first occurred. This can happen for a variety of reasons but, it is particularly the case with repetitive stress injuries, mental and ...

