Unlike employees in other industries, railroad workers are not afforded relief under the state no-fault workers’ compensation laws. An injured railroad workers’ remedy falls under the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA), which was passed by Congress in 1908.

FELA requires proof that the injury to the worker was caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence of the railroad company through the conduct of another railroad employee, agent, and/or contractor.

The railroad employer may be held liable, among other acts of negligence, for failing to provide the employee with a reasonably safe place to work and includes providing the employee with reasonably safe tools and equipment.

The lawyers at the Waldman Legal Group have represented railroad workers all over the country who have suffered injuries while on the job, such as:

  • Back Injuries
  • Neck Injuries
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Neurological Injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Permanent Disability
  • Fractures

Because of the heavy, awkward and size of equipment involved with working in the railroad industry, these work injuries can and do happen often. Sometimes, a railroad worker suffers an injury at work and does not know what it is they need to do first. In times like these, we understand that putting food on the table remains top priority but, without legal counsel an injured employee runs the risk of never being able to work another day.

This is why we have dedicated ourselves to representing injured railroad workers and their families in these times of crisis. Usually a FELA case must be filed within three years of the date of the injury. Therefore, you should consult an attorney with experience in FELA litigation as soon as possible after a work-related accident.

If you have suffered an injury while working for a railroad company, contact the lawyers at the Waldman Legal Group. They will provide the legal guidance you need and the answers to any questions you may have about your case.

Call us today at 713-688-4878 for your free workplace injury consultation today.

Remember, your initial consultation is free, and you don’t pay unless you win.

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