How Often Do Car Accident Cases Go to Court? When car accident claims can’t be settled through negotiations, they may go to court to be decided by a judge or jury. How often do car accident cases go to court? Not as often as you might think. Most car accident cases are settled with insurance companies or resolved in pre-trial mediation. Some studies say that as many as 95% of personal injury cases, which include car acciden...
How you file a car accident claim if you’re an undocumented immigrant is no different from anyone else. Your immigration status makes no difference. Whether you entered the country a week ago or your family has been here for 200 years, your rights are the same. Your car accident claim must generally have two legs for it to stand on. You must show: The crash is someone’s else fault. The injuries it caused and how...
The small size of motorcycles can lead to accidents because other drivers simply may not see them. Here are some tips for riders to improve motorcycle visibility and prevent accidents: Wear high-visibility gear Ride a brightly colored motorcycle Add reflective tape Add LED lights Stay out of blind spots. Improve Rider Visibility to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents with High-Vis Gear High-visibility reflect...
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging test, or MRI, is performed at a hospital or imaging center. The patient lies on a tray, which slides into a tube, and after a series of very loud clicks made by a large magnet, a series of images is created. The images are read or “interpreted” by a radiologist, who writes a report that becomes the “official” result of the MRI. Unlike x-rays (which see bones), MRIs are particularly helpfu...
When you’re injured in a car accident, you face many challenges. You’ll be forced to deal with medical bills, missed time at work, vehicle repairs or replacement, and several other financial obstacles. But what about the intense physical and emotional pain and suffering you’re living with? Can you sue for pain and suffering after a car accident? Absolutely. You can and should factor in all the “non-economic” da...

