We are here to defend you

If you live in Houston and have suffered an injury or if a family member has died due to someone else’s negligence, immediately contact the Waldman Legal Group. If we do not recover monetary compensation in cases of injury or death, you do not pay for our services.

Steve Waldman and the Waldman Legal Group’s attorneys have the experience, resources and tenacity necessary to fight insurance companies and win their case.

Do not leave! Defend your rights. Defend your family.


Texas is a state of hardworking people and therefore accidents in the workplace are common.

Accidents can occur in many environments and can affect many different occupations.

Some industries suffer a higher injury rate than others, but all Texas workers are at risk of being injured at work. Regardless of whether you work in the construction industry or in a department store, you can get hurt at work! Accidents in the workplace happen in all work environments No one is immune!

What a Work Injury Lawyer really does

Work injury attorneys are like private prosecutors that you hire to “process” a civil claim in your name. If a work injury lawyer accepts your case, the lawyer will investigate your injury in the workplace and try to build a case on your behalf, to be presented in court or to an arbitrator. Cases involving Official Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage will be handled through the Texas Department of Insurance. Cases that do not involve Official Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage will be presented before a court or arbitrator. There are distinctive differences between the ways these cases are evaluated and “processed” and the claims you can enforce are very different.

Profile PicAttorney Steve Watldman

If you have a claim under the Official Compensation Insurance Coverage system of Workers, you can also have a “third party” claim if your injury was caused by negligence from someone other than your employer or a co-worker, or from a defective product. A experienced work injury lawyer will help you identify any potential claims that can provide compensation for damages.

Choose a lawyer with experience in workplace injuries to represent you in the case of a Workplace injury is important. You want to receive appropriate compensation for your injuries These cases are often very complicated and are often defended by both, the Employers and their insurers.

At the Waldman Legal Group we have experience evaluating and handling work injury claims. We can determine what type of claim is yours and help you chart a course of action for your claim. We understand how employers and insurers fight these cases and can help you form your legal team to “process” your claim. Your lawyer makes a difference. Workers who suffer an injury in Texas should contact the Waldman Legal Group.


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    $1.04 Milliones

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    Accidente de Trabajo

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    Various Coverage Plans

    Texas employers can “opt out” participate in the Official Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage. These “uncovered” employers may have an alternative “employee accident plan” and may even call it “worker’s compensation”. Or the employer can have “employer liability” coverage without any benefit plan. Some employers have nothing: they have no insurance, no plan, no assets. The type of coverage that the employer has is what determines the type of claim that the injured worker can make. If you or a family member are injured at work, the most important thing to do – after seeking immediate medical attention and reporting your injury to your employer – is to find out what type of claim you can make.

    If you or a family member are injured at work, the most important thing to do – after seeking immediate medical attention and reporting your injury to your employer – is to find out what type of claim you can make.

    However, if an employer does not have Official Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage, the injured employee has the right to make a claim for ALL LEGAL DAMAGES, including past and future medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. . Even if the employer has an alternative plan, injured workers have the right to request all compensable damages under Texas state law. Some employers have mandatory arbitration agreements and may have procedures that are complex. An experienced work injury lawyer can help you evaluate your potential claim and advise you on the options available to you.

    Regardless of how you were injured, who you work for or how you were hired, you have the right to know your legal rights. Talk to an experienced work injury lawyer. The initial consultation is FREE, and we do not charge fees or expenses unless we get compensation on your behalf.

    Work accidents

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    What is considered an Injury at Work?

    Steps to Take After An Injury Occurs at Work

    Any injury that occurs at work or while working on behalf of another person or company can be considered a work injury. Do not try to interpret the law yourself. If you suffered a serious injury, and you were participating in any activity, call the experienced S&W work injury lawyers and let them advise you. The consultation is free.

    Insurance adjusters defend the interests of the insurer. The adjusters of a “coverage plan” of employers defend the interests of the plan. They may tell you that they are trying to help you and some of them do what they can to get medical attention, but they work within your company’s rules. And your ultimate goal is to save your company money and terminate your claim. They don’t work for you and your main purpose is not to defend your interests.

    The lawyer you hire has sworn to protect your interests first. That is your legal duty – you must put your interests first before anyone else’s, including your own. If you have a serious injury, trusting your employer, the insurer or the people who work for them is a very risky bet. They might try to help you, but you are taking risks because they may do what is best for you and not what is best for you and your family. Ask yourself the following question: if your boss gets injured, would he come to you for help and advice, or call his lawyer? I suppose your boss would call your lawyer. And that is exactly what you should do. You must protect yourself and your family by calling an experienced work injury lawyer.

    Steps to Take After a Work Injury Occurs

    • The first thing to remember is that most employers ask that you report any accident immediately. You must report your accident to the appropriate person.
    • You should also seek medical attention immediately. If it is an emergency call 911. If someone’s life is in danger, call 911. If you need rescue, call 911. If you need to go to the hospital , call 911. If you cannot call 911, ask a friend to call 911.
    • If you need medical attention, but it is not an emergency, ask your employer to take it or to send it to the doctor immediately. If you do not take it or send it to you, go by your own means or ask a Friend or relative to take it. If your employer does not give you a document for medical expenses, go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. Don’t wait to go to the doctor!
    • If you have a chance, take pictures of where the injury occurred and learn or write down the names of witnesses and their phone numbers. If there was a violation of the law, call the police. If security rules were violated, consider calling OSHA.

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