You were injured on the job. Your employer told you they would help you. Your employer may have even promised you that the company would pay your medical bills. If your employer sends you papers to sign, what do you do? Wait! Don’t sign anything until you know your legal rights. Immediately call the attorneys at the Waldman Legal Group at 713-688-4878. Our attorneys will review the documents at no charge. Let us help you ...
There was a gas line explosion on your construction site. You sustained severe injuries. What steps should you take to help yourself? Seek immediate medical attention. Report your injuries to your supervisor. Take pictures of your injuries and the accident scene. Write down witness names and their contact information. Immediately call the attorneys at the Waldman Legal Group. Our attorneys have more...
How Do I Report an Accident at Work? How do I report an accident at work? It’s important that you know the answer to this question so you can protect your rights following an injury accident. If you don’t do it correctly, you could lose out on insurance benefits. How you report an accident depends on your employer. If your employer carries workers’ compensation insurance, there are very specific reporting rules put in p...
Can Employers Opt Out of Workers’ Compensation? The answer to this question is “yes.” Texas is the only state in the country that allows employers to opt out of workers’ compensation. Employers who opt out of carrying workers’ comp may not provide any accident insurance or they may carry private non-subscriber insurance plans. There are thousands of non-subscriber employers in Texas, including some very big corporat...
Were You Injured in a Building Collapse? A building collapsed on your job. You are seriously injured. You wonder: Who’s going to pay my medical bills? How will I take care of my family? What do I do next? Call the Waldman Legal Group at 713-688-4878. The attorneys at the Waldman Legal Group have more than 40 years of experience helping injured construction workers. We will help you get the compensation you deserv...

